Harness people’s abilities: Covid response: Democratic states should involve people, not punish them for their own good(A review in Hindi )
Harness people’s abilities: Covid response: Democratic states should involve people, not punish them for their own good(A review in hindi ) पहले मूल लेख पूरा अंग्रेजी में बांच लीजिये समीक्षा हमारी बाद में पढियेगा :बत्लादें आपको मुश्किल शब्दों के अर्थ :केवल चार ही हमने चुने हैं जो आगे के भाग में आपको मिलेंगे।हो सकता है आपको कुछ और भी मिलें। corralled -बाड़ा (पशु बाड़ा ,मांद ) scum :नीच ,पददलित समाज द्वारा उपेक्षित हाशिये पे पड़ा हुआ आदमी immerceration :निर्धनता suville :निगरानी शब्द को क्रिया के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया गया है A pandemic literally means a disease that stalks all people, but it has visibly unequal effects. The virus exploits our bodily and social vulnerabilities. It reveals our structures of division and our levels of social trust. Uday Deb The response to Covid-19 prompts a basic question – how do we imagine other people? Are they a problem to be managed with threats and watchful squads, a herd to be corralled...