Declaring Ayodhya a “historic” place for the Hindus, Union Minister Uma Bharti on Thursday claimed that the disputed area cannot be a religious place for Muslims as they consider Mecca to be their holy land. Welcoming the court order to begin the case hearing from next month, BJP MP Uma Bharti said, "It is an important day for me and I welcome the Supreme Court decision on Ayodhya. I hope for a verdict soon." Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the Supreme Court order that hearing for the Ayodhya title suit will begin from October 29, the BJP MP from Madhya Pradesh claimed that the dispute over the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid area was never “religious” in nature but was turned into one. Read | Ayodhya-linked verdict: SC refuses to review 1994 judgment that said ‘mosque is not integral to Islam’ “This isn’t a matter of religious dispute, as Ayodhya is an important religious place for the Hindus because it is the birthplace of Lord Ram. For Musli...